Ordinary people (sometimes) do extraordinary things

We everyday see regular people, anonymously cruising our lives.
Sometimes we don't even imagine what they can do.
We are special, at least most of us.... I'd like to think so.

It's not about being super-heroes, lifting cars or stopping bullets with your hands. It's not about stopping time or travel through space.
It's about leaving your personal mark in the world.
Through what you do, what you say, people you help become better in every aspect of their lives.

I am fortunate to say that I am surrounded by people, each of them special in their own way. And that, everyday, I learn new things with them, simple things perhaps but, at the end of the day, the sum of all those simple and small gestures make the world a better place to live.

Maybe we are not going to end war or stop hunger.
Maybe we are not going to make everyone happy.
Maybe the change is so imperceptible that you wouldn't even notice it. But it's a start. We should always start somewhere, right? Baby steps towards perfection.

Ordinary people do extraordinary things.
That's what I'd like to think.

Nota: Este texto é dedicado à Nuvem e a todos os meus amigos.

2 comentários:

ruth ministro disse...

Ainda não tinha tido a oportunidade de ler este texto... Estou emocionada. Muito obrigada pela dedicatória, de coração. É mesmo muito bom saber que aquilo que fazemos, por pouco que seja, é extraordinário para alguém :)


Lenin aka JR disse...

Nuvem - Foi escrito após o teu "Já não sei escrever". Para dizer que, por vezes, até o mais pequeno gesto pode deixar a tua marca nas pessoas que te rodeiam. E para te encorajar a continuar a escrever. Parece que, mesmo sem o teres lido, funcionou. :)
